
lundi 18 septembre 2023

Astuces pour Méosat

Voici quelques astuces pour Méosat. Si vous ne connaissez pas l'anglais, utilisez Google traduction...

How to update your MéosatByOCTO?

Download the software into an USB Flash Drive, please keep the same name! "updatexv2.bin", plug the stick to your MéosatByOCTO, then go to: "Menu => Informations, et niveau parental => Mise à jour du récepteur => Mise à jour par USB => OK"

How to launch Stalker IPTV?
Simply with "HELP" button of Remote Control, or by doing this: "Smart button => Scroll to the last => ACCEDER AU PORTAIL (OTT) => Stalker IPTV => OK"

How to reinstall IPTV packages into SPORT fav?
Go to "Menu => Paramètrages => Réseau => SERVICES RESEAU => Reset SPORT IPTV => OUI => OK"

How to check software version and Hi-Share/Stalker left days?
Go to "Menu => Informations, et niveau parental => A propos de... => OK"

How to enable/disable TNT Emu or ENTV Biss or Hi-Share IKS/IPTV?
Go to "Menu => Paramètrages => Réseau => SERVICES RESEAU" then choose "OUI/NON"

How to set a 3rd party Stalker Portal?
Go to "Menu => Paramètrages => Réseau => SERVICES RESEAU", insert the URL of your Stalker provider in "PORTAIL OTT 2", click "OK" then exit the menu, press the "Smart" button, scroll to the last and click on "ACCEDER AU PORTAIL (OTT)", then finally click on "PORTAIL OTT 2"

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